Last updated: Nov 2021
Class Projects
Business Analyst in ASAP for CSE 110
ASAP, Auto Scheduler Assist Program, is a website that aims to reduce workload for UCSD students
during the course selection process. ASAP allows the students to input a list of classes and classify them
as must-takes or want-to-takes and then generates the optimized schedule according to user preferences
Worked in a team of ten as business analyst and main provider for the algorithm in generating the schedule
The GitHub link for source code is:
Self-Hosted Website for CSE 135
Built a server to host homework submission using support from Digital Ocean; the server uses Apache2
and REST API with multiple languages
Built a website for analyzing traffic to my website using support from Zinggrid
The website for homework is:
The website for data analysis is: (require logging in)
Data Analysis Project on COVID-19's Impact on Mental Health
Researched on the relationship between COVID-19 and people's mental health status, focusing on the change of depression and anxiety
level before and during COVID-19 pandemic.
As the team leader and a main contributor, I organized the research, found datasets based on group proposal, and performed analysis between
two datasets.
Formed a report, concluding that depression and anxiety level rises significantly during COVID-19 pandemic.
Contact me if you want a copy of the report.
Practical Experience
Collaborated with graduate researcher Kazim Ergun, under the supervision of Professor Tajana Rosing,
to conduct research on methodologies of minimizing energy consumption and maximizing reliability on
edge devices in IoT systems
Proposed to use a novel dynamic reliability management (DRM) technique to solve the problem
Designed “no ERC-ETC” approach and analyzed prior works with a focus on DREAM architecture
Used DREAM as a comparison to the final solution, which should significantly reduce energy
consumption and increase reliability for edge devices in IoT systems with multiple devices while
maintaining QoS constraints
Added data collection and analysis features to upgrade traditional physical measuring equipment
Enabled users to obtain their data via mini programs in WeChat (a Chinese multi-purpose messaging,
social media and mobile payment app)
Provided suggestions on data transmission from equipment to the cloud
Minimized packet losses with TCP/IP protocols to optimize consistency and reliability during data
transmission process
A Salary Analysis Program for Wuxi De’er, an Audi dealer
Developed a Java program that summarizes and illustrates the salary expenses tendency for thousands of
people in a one-year period
Users can select the specific data from more than a hundred different indexes
The inputs are pre-organized Excel files, and the outputs are merged Excel files with separate graphs to
illustrate the trend